Color Atlas of Pharmacology
2nd edition
Heinz Lüllmann
Klaus Mohr
Albrecht Ziegler
Detlef Bieger


General Pharmacology

History of Pharmacology
Drug Sources
-- Drug and Active Principle
-- Drug Development
Drug Administration
-- Dosage Forms for Oral, and Nasal Applications
-- Dosage Forms for Parenteral Pulmonary
-- Rectal or Vaginal, and Cutaneous Application
-- Drug Administration by Inhalation
-- Dermatologic Agents
-- From Application to Distribution
Cellular Sites of Action
-- Potential Targets of Drug Action
Distribution in the Body
-- External Barriers of the Body
-- Blood-Tissue Barriers
-- Membrane Permeation
-- Possible Modes of Drug Distribution
-- Binding to Plasma Proteins
Drug Elimination
-- The Liver as an Excretory Organ
-- Biotransformation of Drugs
-- Enterohepatic Cycle
-- The Kidney as Excretory Organ
-- Elimination of Lipophilic and Hydrophilic Substances
-- Drug Concentration in the Body as a Function of Time
-- First-Order (Exponential) Rate Processes
-- Time Course of Drug Concentration in Plasma
-- Time Course of Drug Plasma Levels During Repeated Dosing and During Irregular Intake
-- Accumulation: Dose, Dose Interval, and Plasma Level Fluctuation
-- Change in Elimination Characteristics During Drug Therapy
Quantification of Drug Action
-- Dose-Response Relationship
-- Concentration-Effect Relationship – Effect Curves
-- Concentration-Binding Curves
Drug-Receptor Interaction
-- Types of Binding Forces
-- Agonists-Antagonists
-- Enantioselectivity of Drug Action
-- Receptor Types
-- Mode of Operation of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors
-- Time Course of Plasma Concentration and Effect
Adverse Drug Effects
-- Drug Allergy
-- Drug Toxicity in Pregnancy and Lactation
Drug-independent Effects
-- Placebo – Homeopathy

Systems Pharmacology

-- Drug Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System
-- Sympathetic Nervous System
-- Structure of the Sympathetic Nervous System
-- Adrenoceptor Subtypes and Catecholamine Actions
-- Structure – Activity Relationship of Sympathomimetics
-- Indirect Sympathomimetics
-- alpha-Sympathomimetics, alpha-Sympatholytics
-- beta-Sympatholytics (beta-Blockers)
-- Types of beta-Blockers
-- Antiadrenergics
Drugs Acting on the Parasympathetic Nervous System
-- Parasympathetic Nervous System
-- Cholinergic Synapse
-- Parasympathomimetics
-- Parasympatholytics
-- Ganglionic Transmission
-- Effects of Nicotine on Body Functions
-- Consequences of Tobacco Smoking
Biogenic Amines
-- Biogenic Amines – Actions and Pharmacological Implications
-- Serotonin
-- Vasodilators – Overview
-- Organic Nitrates
-- Calcium Antagonists
Inhibitors of the RAA System
Drugs Acting on Smooth Muscle
-- Drugs Used to Influence Smooth Muscle Organs
Cardiac Drugs
-- Overview of Modes of Action
-- Cardiac Glycosides
-- Antiarrhythmic Drugs
-- Electrophysiological Actions of Antiarrhythmics of the Na+-Channel Blocking Type
-- Drugs for the Treatment of Anemias
-- Iron Compounds
-- Prophylaxis and Therapy of Thromboses
-- Coumarin Derivatives – Heparin
-- Fibrinolytic Therapy
-- Intra-arterial Thrombus Formation
-- Formation, Activation, and Aggregation of Platelets
-- Inhibitors of Platelet Aggregation
-- Presystemic Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid
-- Adverse Effects of Antiplatelet Drugs
Plasma Volume Expanders
Drugs used in Hyperlipoproteinemias
-- Lipid-Lowering Agents
-- Diuretics – An Overview
-- NaCI Reabsorption in the Kidney
-- Osmotic Diuretics
-- Diuretics of the Sulfonamide Type
-- Potassium-Sparing Diuretics
-- Antidiuretic Hormone (/ADH) and Derivatives
Drugs for the Treatment of Peptic Ulcers
-- Drugs for Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers
-- Antidiarrheal Agents
Other Gastrointestinal Drugs
Drugs Acting on Motor Systems
-- Drugs Affecting Motor Function
-- Muscle Relaxants
-- Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants
-- Antiparkinsonian Drugs
-- Antiepileptics
Drugs for the Suppression of Pain, Analgesics
-- Pain Mechanisms and Pathways
Antipyretic Analgesics
-- Eicosanoids
Antipyretic Analgesics and Antiinflammatory Drugs
-- Antipyretic Analgesics
Antipyretic Analgesics
-- Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory (Antirheumatic) Agents
-- Thermoregulation and Antipyretics
Local Anesthetics
-- Opioid Analgesics – Morphine Type
General Anesthetic Drugs
-- General Anesthesia and General Anesthetic Drugs
-- Inhalational Anesthetics
-- Injectable Anesthetics
-- Soporifics, Hypnotics
-- Sleep-Wake Cycle and Hypnotics
-- Benzodiazepines
-- Pharmacokinetics of Benzodiazepines
-- Therapy of Manic-Depressive Illness
-- Therapy of Schizophrenia
-- Psychotomimetics (Psychedelics, Hallucinogens)
-- Hypothalamic and Hypophyseal Hormones
-- Thyroid Hormone Therapy
-- Hyperthyroidism and Antithyroid Drugs
-- Glucocorticoid Therapy
-- Androgens, Anabolic Steroids, Antiandrogens
-- Follicular Growth and Ovulation, Estrogen and Progestin Production
-- Oral Contraceptives 
-- Insulin Therapy
-- Treatment of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
-- Treatment of Maturity-Onset (Type II) Diabetes Mellitus
-- Drugs for Maintaining Calcium Homeostasis
Antibacterial Drugs
-- Drugs for Treating Bacterial Infections
-- Inhibitors of Cell Wall Synthesis
-- Inhibitors of Tetrahydrofolate Synthesis
-- Inhibitors of DNA Function
-- Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis
-- Drugs for Treating Mycobacterial Infections
Antifungal Drugs
-- Drugs Used in the Treatment of Fungal Infection
Antiviral Drugs
-- Chemotherapy of Viral Infections
-- Drugs for Treatment of AIDS
-- Disinfectants and Antiseptics
Antiparasitic Agents
-- Drugs for Treating Endo- and Ectoparasitic Infestations
-- Antimalarials
Anticancer Drugs
-- Chemotherapy of Malignant Tumors
Immune Modulators
-- Inhibition of Immune Responses
-- Antidotes and treatment of poisonings
Therapy of Selected Diseases
-- Angina Pectoris
-- Antianginal Drugs
-- Acute Myocardial Infarction
-- Hypertension
-- Hypotension
-- Gout
-- Osteoporosis
-- Rheumatoid Arthritis
-- Migraine
-- Common Cold
-- Allergic Disorders
-- Bronchial Asthma
-- Emesis

Book Cover