  1. The patient taking Indomethacin (an NSAID drug) should be cautioned NOT TO drive motor vehicle, operating heavy machinery or perform any task that require mental alertness, as this agent may cause drowsiness.
  2. Combined therapy with prednisolone (one of SAIDs) and NSAIDs carries higher risk of gastric bleeding.
  3. Aspirin is the only NSAID that inhibits the blood clotting for a prolonged period of time (four to seven days), which is why many doctors recommend it for preventing blood clots that cause heart attacks and strokes.
  4. NSAIDs have a negative effect on renal health in essentially all patients using them. The most common renal complication caused by NSAIDs is fluid retention.
  5. Complete avoidance of NSAIDs is recommended for most people with chronic kidney disease.

  6. COX-2 is the enzyme primarily present at sites of inflammation. 
  7. The anti-inflammatory action of NSAIDs is mainly due to inhibition of COX-2. 
  8. Adverse effects associated with NSAIDs include gastric irritation, fluid retention, allergic reactions (rashes, wheezing, shortness of breath).
  9. Aspirin and non-aspirin salicylates should NEVER be used in children and teenagers with suspected or confirmed chickenpox or influenza as 'Reye's syndrome' can precipitate. In general, children under the age of 16 should not take aspirin products.
  10. Ibuprofen is more appropriate in musculo-skeletal disorder where pain is more prominent than inflammation.