
1. Formoterol is a β2-agonist bronchodilator that is given by inhalation, and is suitable for both terminating asthma attacks as well as for twice daily prophylaxis.

2. Caffeine is more powerful than theophylline in augmentation of skeletal muscle contractility

3. Ciprofloxacin inhibits theophylline metabolism and raises its plasma concentration.

4. Theophylline is the antiasthma drug which cannot be administered by inhalation. It is an oral medication.

5. In comparison to inhaled β2 adrenergic agonists, the inhaled anticholinergics produce slower response in bronchial asthma.

6. Montelukast produces actions like bronchodilatation and suppression of bronchial hyperreactivity in bronchial asthma patients.

7. Theophylline is believed to benefit asthma patients by exerting  actions like bronchodilatation, augmentation of diaphragmatic contractility and reduced mediator release.

8. Inhaled sodium cromoglycate is the most appropriate drug for regular prophylactic therapy in a 10 year old child who suffers from exercise induced asthma.

9. Ipratropium bromide:produces additional bronchodilatation when added to nebulized salbutamol.

10. Sodium cromoglycate has a role in the treatment of chronic bronchial asthma, chronic allergic rhinitis and chronic allergic conjunctivitis but has no role in chronic urticaria.