Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

71. All the following statements are correct regarding vitamin B12 except; 

a- can be stored in the liver for years
b- an essential water-soluble vitamin
c- requires haptocorrin to protect it from stomach acid
d- requires intrinsic factor for absorption
e- cannot be stored in the body

72. The most common and most important of all conjugation reactions of drug metabolism is;
a- sulfuric acid conjugation
b- acetic acid conjugation
c- amino acid conjugation
d- methylation
e- glucoronidation

73. Cytochrome P450 isozymes contains in them;
a- iron
b- cobalt
c- magnesium
d- copper
e- oxygen

74. One of the following isozymes is responsible for the vast majority of cytochrome-P450 catalyzed reactions;
a- CYP3A4 / 5
b- CYP2D6
c- CYP2C8 / 9
d- CYP1A2
e- CYP2C19

75. One of the following isozymes is not very susceptible to enzyme induction, which makes it free of the possibility of drug interaction;
a- CYP3A5
b- CYP2D6
c- CYP2C9
d- CYP1A2
e- CYP2C19

76. Glomerular filteration rate (GFR) in a normally functioning healthy renal system is;
a- 30 ml/min
b- 60 ml/min
c- 120 ml/min
d- 240 ml/min
e- 480 ml/min

77. The disintegration time (DT) of orally dispersible tablets (ODTs) is;
a- immediate upon contact
b- within half a minute
c- within a minute
d- within a minute and a half
e- within two minutes

78. A drug reaches its steady-state plasma concentration in about how many half-lives?
a- 2
b- 3
c- 4 to 5
d- 7
e- 10

79. The only determining factor of the time it takes to reach steady-state plasma drug concentration (tss) is;
a- rate of infusion
b- half-life
c- clearance
d- volume of distribution
e- dose of the drug 

80. If doses of a drug are given at its half-life, then 75% of the steady-state plasma concentration will be achieved with its;
a- 1st half-life
b- 2nd half-life
c- 3rd half-life
d- 4th half-life
e- 5th half-life

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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
71- e
72- e
73- a
74- a
75- b
76- c
77- b
78- c
79- b
80- b