for Pharmacists and Physicians
Birdsey L. Maltbie
... something about this book, from this book... 😊😊

This work is not intended to replace the larger and more complete works but to afford the student a course of study by which he may master the subject in an elementary way and prepare himself for a better understanding of the higher branches as taught by Remington, Caspari and Arny.

The author trusts that drug clerks who wish to prepare themselves for examination by boards of pharmacy will find in this book what they require in a form that is readily understood, yet no student in pharmacy should feel that though he has mastered this work his knowledge of pharmacy is suffcient, The successful pharmacist is always a student and supplies himself with the best works obtainable and consults them frequently.

Perhaps for the physician this work will be of greatest service. It is a well known fact that medical students are, as a rule, deficient in pharmacy, and that many physicians in active practice are unfamiliar with the Pharmacopoeia and the simplest pharmaceutical
processes, It is believed that physicians and medical students in particular will find in this book all of the necessary knowledge of pharmacy in a form that will be readily understood without explanation by a teacher. If the publication of this book will be the means of a better understanding of pharmacy by physicians the author will be amply repaid for his work.

Table of Contents

Part 1 - Pharmaceutic Operations

Chapter I - Pharmacy, Pharmaceutic literature
Chapter 11 - Metrology
Chapter 111 - Specific Gravity
Chapter lV - Heat, thermometers, crystallization, separation, filtration, dialysis, precipitation
Chapter V - Percolation
Chapter VI - Solution

Part 2 - Galenic Preparations

Chapter VII - Waters
Chapter VIII - Liquors
Chapter IX - Infusions, Decoctions
Chapter X - Mixtures
Chapter Xl - Syrups
Chapter XII - Vinegars
Chapter XIII - Mucilages
Chapter XlV - Emulsions
Chapter XV -  Glycerite, Honeys, Spirits, Tinctures, Fluid extracts, Elixirs, Wines, Collodions
Chapter XVI - Liniments
Chapter XVII - Extracts
Chapter XVIII - Powders, Ointments, Cerates, Plasters, Masses, Pills, Triturations, Troches, Tablets, Suppositories, Effervescent salts, Cataplasms, Confections

Part 3

Chapter XIX - Acids
Chapter XX - Alkalies and their compounds
Chapter XXI - Carbon, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Boron, Magnesium, Cerium, Aluminum
Chapter XXII - Iron, Mercury
Chapter XXIII - Arsenic, Bismuth
Chapter XXIV - Copper, Lead, Zinc, Silver, Gold

Part 4

Chapter XXV - Products of Plants
Chapter XXVI - Carbohydrates
Chapter XXVII - Coal tar products
Chapter XXVIII - Alkaloids, Glucosides
Chapter XXIX - Oils and fats, Animal products
Chapter XXX - Vegetable drugs
Chapter XXXI - Incompatibility

