Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

101. The following statements are true regarding enteric nervous system except;

a- innervates GIT, pancreas and gallbladder
b- functions independently of CNS
c- also called as 'gut brain'
d- controls motility, secretions and micro-circulation of GIT
e- modulated by parasympathetic and not by sympathetic NS

102. The response time of somatic nervous system is faster than that of autonomic nervous system. This is because of;
a- lack of ganglia
b- fast-acting sodium channels
c- myelination of nerve fibres
d- options a and c only
e- all of the above

103. One of the following grades of Kyron T is used as a super-disintegrant in tablets;
a- Kyron T-104
b- Kyron T-114
c- Kyron T-134
d- Kyron T-154
e- Kyron T-314

104. All of the following are direct-acting cholinergic agonists except one;
a- bethanechol
b- cevimeline
c- pilocarpine
d- methacholine
e- neostigmine

105. A pharmacist adds 1 pint of Alcohol USP to 5 L of a mouthwash formula. What will be the new percentage of alcohol present if original mouthwash was labeled as 10% V/V:
a- 14.34 %
b- 17.34 %
c- 19.68 %
d- 22.43 %
e- 24.40 %

106. A patient is to be administered 1500 ml of ringer lactate by IV infusion using infusion controller with a drop factor of 16 drops/ml. The infusion starts at 10:00 am. If the infusion rate was set at 32 drops per minute, at what time would the infusion be complete?
a- 3:00 pm
b- 5:30 pm
c- 7:00 pm
d- 10:30 pm
e- 12:30 am

107. A prescription asks for 100 gm of 5% cream of a certain substance. At pharmacy, we have available stock preparations of the same substance but in different concentrations than required, i.e, 7.5% and 2.5%. How much (gm) we should take from each and combine to fulfill the prescription ? 
a- 50 gm from 7.5% and 50 gm from 2.5%
b- 25 gm from 7.5% and 75 gm from 2.5%
c- 75 gm from 7.5% and 25 gm from 2.5%
d- 30 gm from 7.5% and 70 gm from 2.5%
e- 60 gm from 7.5% and 40 gm from 2.5%

108. Child-Pugh score is useful for;
a- evaluation of liver health
b- evaluation of spleen health
c- evaluation of pancreas health
d- evaluation of kidneys health
e- evaluation of child's innate immunity

109. All of the following grades of Kyron T are used for taste-masking of bitter active ingredients in medicines except;
a- Kyron T-104
b- Kyron T-114
c- Kyron T-134
d- Kyron T-154
e- Kyron T-314

110. Unfractionated heparin exert its pharmacological effect by inhibiting which of the following clotting factor(s);
A. Factor IIa
B. Factor VIIa
C. Factor Xa
D. both A and C
E. All of the above
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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
101- e
102- d
103- e
104- e
105- b
106- d
107- a
108- a
109- e
110- d