Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

111. Intravenous injection is usually given at an approximate angle of;
a- 85 degree
b- 75 degree
c- 45 degree
d- 25 degree
e- 5 degree

112. All of the following statements are true regarding Pilocarpine but one;
a- it is a naturally occurring alkaloid
b- it is a direct-acting cholinergic agonist
c- it is a non-selective muscarinic agonist
d- used in the treatment of xerostomia
e- it inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase

113. Omega-3 fatty acids are indicated in;
a- hypolipidemia
b- hyperlipidemia
c- impaired metabolism
d- body-building exercises
e- pregnant or lactating women

114. Urinary bladder has which type of cholinergic receptors?
a- nicotinic receptors
b- ionotropic receptors
c- metabotropic receptors
d- M-3 receptors
e- M-2 receptors

115. Cardiac cells have which type of cholinergic receptors?
a- nicotinic receptors
b- ionotropic receptors
c- metabotropic receptors
d- M-3 receptors
e- M-2 receptors

116. All of the following statements are correct regarding carbachol except; 
a- it is an ester of carbamic acid
b- it has both nicotinic and muscarinic actions
c- hydrolysed by acetylcholinestrase
d- has strong CV and GI effects
e- used in eye surgery and glaucoma

117. All of the following statements are true about bethanechol but one; 
a- it is an ester of carbamic acid
b- it has muscarinic actions but no nicotinic activity
c- hydrolyzed by esterases other than acetylcholinesterase
d- has major effects on CV and GIT
e- its duration of action is about 1 hour

118. A drug is given to an unconscious patient via IV infusion at a rate of 5 mg/hr. The half-life of the drug is 3 hours. How many milligrams of this drug are needed to achieve the steady-state plasma concentration?
a- 15 mg
b- 30 mg
c- 45 mg
d- 55 mg
e- 75 mg

119. A drug of a certain strength is prescribed for a patient with a certain disease state. The half-life of this drug is 10 hours. After taking the drug by the patient, how many hours it will take for the drug to be biotransformed and reach a concentration of below 2%?
a- 20 hrs
b- 40 hrs
c- 50 hrs
d- 60 hrs
e- 98 hrs

120. We have a drug whose half-life is 48 hours. If we start giving this drug to a patient, in how much time the patient will have received the complete dose of the drug?
a- 1 day
b- 2 days
c- 4 days
d- 5 days
e- 10 days
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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
111- d
112- e
113- b
114- d
115- e
116- c
117- d
118- e
119- d
120- e