Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

121. All of the following statements are correct about pilocarpine but one;

a- a quaternary amine
b- stable to hydrolysis by AChE
c- has muscarinic activity only and no nicotinic actions
d- produces adverse effects of night blindness and brow ache
e- can be used in sjogren's syndrome

122. Sjogren's syndrome is characterized by;
a- dry eyes
b- dry mouth
c- dry skin
d- options a and b
e- all of the above

123. The drug of choice for emergency lowering of intraocular pressure in both open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma is;
a- dorzolamide
b- furosemide
c- timolol
d- pilocarpine
e- atropine sulphate

124. Pellagra is a diseased condition caused by the deficiency of which one of the following vitamin;
a- vitamin B3
b- vitamin B6
c- vitamin B9
d- vitamin B12
e- vitamin E

125. The low levels of niacin in the body causes a diseased state called pellagra, which is characterized by;
a- dementia
b- diarrhea
c- dermatitis
d- both a and c
e- all of the above

126. All of the following are reversible inhibitors of the acetylcholinestrase (AChE) enzyme except;
a- ambenomium
b- donepezil
c- galantamine
d- edrophonium
e- echothiophate

127. Drugs or class of drugs along with their unique side effects are given below. All of them are correct matches except one;
a-  Ramipril : Dry Cough
b-  Androgen : Virilization
c-  Phenytoin : Hirsutism
d-  Nitrogen Mustards : Bone marrow depression
e-  Thalidomide : Gynacomastia

128. The following are analytical techniques in quality control of pharmaceuticals except;
a- fluorometry
b- polarography
c- spectrophotometry
d- chromatography
e- none of the above

129. Phocomelia, a rare congenital deformity that involves malformations of the arms and legs, either they are severely underdeveloped or absent. This condition can occur as a side effect of which of the following drug when taken during early pregnancy;
a- terfenadine
b- phenytoin
c- chloramphenicol
d- thalidomide
e- galantamine

130. Cancer can be caused by the deficiency of one of the following vitamins (of course a myth);
a- Vitamin B17
b- Vitamin B12
c- Vitamin B7
d- Vitamin D
e- Vitamin E

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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
121- a
122- d
123- d
124- a
125- e
126- e
127- e
128- e
129- d
130- a