Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

141. 'Ceiling effect' of a pharmaceutical agent refers to;

a- max effect after which further dosing won't increase the effect
b- max interval after which effect is lost
c- max duration of treatment
d- max dosage beyond which further increase is detrimental
e- lowering of pharmacological effects of co-administered drugs

142. BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) is a vaccine for which disease?
a- tuberculosis
b- yellow fever
c- chickenpox
d- smallpox
e- shingles

143. All of the following are CNS stimulants except one;
a- nicotine
b- amphetamine
c- dexmethylphenidate
d- dextroamphetamine
e- naltrexone

144. The mechanism of action of streptomycin is;
a- inhibits cell membrane synthesis
b- inhibits protein synthesis
c- inhibits cell metabolism
d- inhibits RNA synthesis
e- inhibits DNA synthesis

145. Streptomycin belongs to pharmacological class of;
a- lincosamides
b- oxazolidinones
c- aminoglycosides
d- glycylcyclines
e- ketolides

146. The mechanism of action of Rifampicin is;
a- inhibits cell membrane synthesis
b- inhibits protein synthesis
c- inhibits cell metabolism
d- inhibits RNA synthesis
e- inhibits DNA synthesis

147. Bacitracin acts through which ONE of the following mechanisms?
a- inhibits cell wall synthesis
b- inhibits protein synthesis
c- inhibits cell metabolism
d- inhibits RNA synthesis
e- inhibits DNA synthesis

148. Sulfa drugs acts through which ONE of the following mechanisms?
a- inhibits cell wall synthesis
b- inhibits protein synthesis
c- inhibits cell metabolism
d- inhibits RNA synthesis
e- inhibits DNA synthesis

149. To treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) without the use of antibiotics, all of the following strategies can be used but one;
a- hydration
b- use of probiotics
c- vitamin C supplementation
d- have cranberry juice
e- vitamin D supplementation

150. People with which blood group are said to be universal donors, meaning they can give blood to everyone?
a- A+ve
b- B-ve
c- AB+ve
d- O+ve
e- O-ve

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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
141- a
142- a
143- e
144- b
145- c
146- d
147- a
148- c
149- e
150- e