Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

201. Elek's test is used for;
a- diphtheria
b- dysentery
c- scarlet fever
d- syphilis
e- typhoid

202. Kahn test is used for the diagnosis of;
a- diphtheria
b- dysentery
c- scarlet fever
d- syphilis
e- typhoid

203. WIDAL test is used for;
a- diphtheria
b- dysentery
c- scarlet fever
d- syphilis
e- typhoid

204. Dick test is used for;
a- diphtheria
b- dysentery
c- scarlet fever
d- syphilis
e- typhoid

205. One kilogram (Kg) is equal to how many pounds (lb)?
a- 1.2 lb
b- 1.8 lb
c- 2.2 lb
d- 10 lb
e- 100 lb

206. If the adult dose for a medicine is 400 mg, then what will be the dose for a 5-year-old child?
a- 395 mg
b- 300 mg
c- 250 mg
d- 200 mg
e- 117 mg

207. If you know about the adult dose and the age of the pediatric patient, how are you going to calculate the dose for the little patient?
a- divide adult dose by child's age
b- divide child's age by adult dose
c- child's age / child's age + 12 x adult dose
d- adult dose / adult dose + 12 x child's age
e- adult dose/child's age + 12 x adult dose

208. The cingulate gyrus is located between which structures of the brain?
a- frontal lobe and corpus callosum
b- corpus callosum and thalamus
c- pons and temporal lobe
d- cerebellum and ventricle
e- cerebrum and cerebellum

209. All of the following statements are true about Aspirin except one;
a- irreversible non-selective COX inhibitor
b- can cause gastric irritation and bleeding
c- can cause acid-base imbalance
d- contraindicated in asthma patient
e- safe in children 

210. One of the following medications causes Reye's syndrome in children and is thus not given to them;
a- paracetamol
b- ketoprofen
c- aspirin
d- ibuprofen
e- metoclopramide

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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
201- a
202- d
203- e
204- c
205- c
206- e
207- c
208- a
209- e
210- c