Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

781. Ampicillin suspension and ampicillin capsules are considered as;
a- pharmaceutical equivalents
b- therapeutic equivalents
c- pharmaceutical alternatives
d- therapeutic alternatives
e- any of the above

782- The 'Orange Book' is;
a- another name of official USP
b- a resource for information about FDA-approved drugs
c- a comprehensive source of information on drug interactions
d- a medical guidebook for pregnant and lactating mothers
e- a catalog of discontinued drugs

783. The HLB scale for surfactants ranges from;
a- 0 to 10
b- 0 to 14
c- 0 to 18
d- 0 to 20
e- 0 to 40

784. The volume of 5cc syringe in terms of milliliters will be;
a- 1 ml
b- 3 ml
c- 5 ml
d- 10 ml
e- 15 ml

785. After compounding, the immediate-use CSP (compounded sterile preparation) should be administered to the patient;
a- right away
b- within 30 minutes
c- within an hour of compounding
d- within 4 hours following compounding
e- within 4 hours following the start of preparation

786. The best option for the treatment of a pregnancy disorder called preeclampsia is;
a- IV clonazepam
b- IV diazepam
c- IV lacosamide
d- IV magnesium sulfate
e- IV methyldopa 

787. Clonidine is used to treat;
a- high blood pressure
b- diarrhea
d- opioid withdrawal 
e- all the above conditions

788. One of the following is NOT a part of the anatomical structure of the stomach;
a- none of the below
b- fundus
c- cardia
d- chief cells
e- pylorus

789. The correct formula for the calculation of inventory turnover ratio is;
a- average inventory ÷ cost of goods sold
b- cost of sales ÷ average inventory
c- average inventory + cost of sales ✕ 365
d- inventory at beginning of year + inventory at end of year ÷ average inventory
e- cost of goods sold ÷ average inventory ✕ 100

790. In the intracellular fluid, the cation that is predominant in concentration is;
a- potassium
b- calcium
c- sodium
d- magnesium
e- phosphate

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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
781- c
782- b
783- d
784- c
785- e
786- d
787- e
788- a
789- b
790- a