True False Questions for Pharmacist licensing Exams DHA HAAD MOH SLE QCHP KAPS PEBC GPAT NIPER FPGEE

Note: Read the following statements carefully and answer True or False!

11. Nucleus and mitochondria both are absent in the mammalian red blood cells.

12. One of the signs of strychnine poisoning is pupils constriction.

13. Local anesthetics do not cause loss of consciousness.

14. Sodium reabsorption in the kidneys is greatly decreased in the absence of aldosterone.

15, Sodium is the major anion in the extracellular fluid compartment.

16. Renin is released by the adrenal gland.

17. One of the initial symptoms of diabetes is polydipsia which refers to excessive hunger.

18. Barbiturates are drugs with a narrow therapeutic index.

19. Medications used to treat nausea and vomiting are called antiemetics and they exert their action by blocking the H2-receptors.

20. Strychnine poison does not absorb through the skin.


Correct Answers
11. True
12. False
13. True
14. True
15. False
16. False
17. False
18. True
19. False
20. True